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Charles Owen JR8 Helmet Review

A helmet is an important item to wear as an equestrian.
They help protect our heads when we fall.
And let’s face it, we all fall.

When it comes to buying a helmet, there are a lot of choices. There are a variety of designs, features and price ranges to choose from. It can get a little overwhelming.

So today we’re talking about the helmet that I’ve been riding in for years. The Charles Owen JR8.

The Style

The JR8 is the lower end model of the Charles Owen helmets. It has a similar style to the GR8. The only real difference between the two are the straps.

There’s really nothing to complain about the JR8 when it comes to looks. It’s a classic looking helmet with a low profile. The JR8 isn’t flashy. So, if you’re not a fan of helmets and are looking for something that will blend in, this is a good option. Because of its clean and classic look, this helmet is great for both showing and schooling.

The Quality

The quality of this helmet is pretty nice. The suede (like all suede fabrics) is a little high maintenance. Over time, the bumps, scratches and fingerprints will mark this helmet. Leaving behind a sort of shiny grey mark. The suede also seems to like to attract dust. Making this helmet a bit difficult to keep clean. I would recommend buying a helmet bag to keep it looking like new for as long as you possibly can.

The newest version of the JR8 has a removable headband so that you can clean it when it gets dirty. I wish my helmet had that feature. It would make cleaning the inside of the helmet a lot easier and would probably encourage me to clean it more often. Because, when you think about it, the dirt and sweat buildup in our helmets is pretty gross! I use a cleaning foam (designed to clean helmets) but I'm not convinced that it's really getting rid of all the dirt. So, the removable headband in the newest version is a big plus.

The Breathability

Let’s talk about my biggest con with this helmet for a second. The lack of vents. Now, with the latest version of the JR8 (according to their website) they added two small holes for ventilation. In my opinion, I still don’t think this is enough. Your head gets really hot and sweaty in this thing!

If you’re a fan of the look of the Charles Owen, I would honestly suggest investing in the AYR8 model. That way, you have the same look, but with the ventilation. Trust me, your head will thank you for it.

Overall Thoughts

The JR8 has a classic design that looks beautiful in or out of the show ring. It was the style and quality of the JR8 that made me buy this helmet in the first place. Especially when comparing this helmet to others in the same price range.

The JR8’s ventilation is really the only downside to this helmet. I really do wish that I saved up a bit more and bought the AYR8 instead. With that said, if your budget doesn’t allow you to spend more on a helmet and you really like the look of the JR8, don’t let that stop you from buying it! It’s still a great helmet and you can still ride in it. I did for years! Just keep in mind that you won’t have all of the tech that you might want in a low-to-mid price ranged helmet. Some companies might choose to compromise style or materials to keep the price low. Charles Owen decided to compromise on vents. That way, they can give riders are really good quality helmet at a really good price.

I really do believe that helmets are worth investing in. They’re doing an important job. I decide my budget based on my bank account and how much I value my head.

Our sport is risky. So, whether you want to risk your head protection is up to you. No, a helmet will not protect you from everything, but it will protect you from some things. But how well it protects does sometimes depend on the materials used and the technology invested into it. A $50 helmet will not perform the same way as a $300 helmet will. However, a $300 helmet will preform similarly to a $700 helmet. This is when preferences in certain brands, styles and add-ons (like ventilation) come into play.

Honestly, most helmets in the mid price range will do their job and will do it well. When you’re looking at helmets in this range, it really comes down to your own personal tastes. The JR8 also falls into this category of good helmets.

I’d love to know what helmet you decided to buy. Do you like it? Would you rather something else? In the next blog post, I’ll be sharing what my new helmet is and what I think of it so far. Stay tuned!

Would you like to buy your own Charles Owen JR8 helmet?

I've done the searching for you!

Until next time, happy riding!

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